NFC card for payment, short distance data transmission for smart phone
NFC card for payment, short distance data transmission for smart phone

NFC card for payment, short distance data transmission for smart phone

NFC (Near-Field Communications) is a short-range wireless technology within a distance of 4 cm, using magnetic sensors to make connections between devices when in direct contact or near each other. . NFC was developed based on the principle of identification by radio frequency signals (Radio-frequency identification - RFID), operating in the band 13.56 MHz and the maximum data transmission rate of 424 Kbps.


Due to the relatively short data transmission distance, transactions via NFC technology are considered to be secure. Devices equipped with NFC are usually mobile phones, able to communicate with smart cards, card readers or devices. Other compatible NFC. In addition, NFC also incorporates many technologies used in public systems such as ticket sales, bill payment ...


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