About us

About us


Nha Trang Electronics was established in 2015, by project development team in Nha Trang by lecturers graduated from Military Technical Academy, Naval Academy, Hanoi University of Technology. Later, the group expanded to members at IC Design Lab under the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Science and Technology, and the National University Key Laboratory for Digital Control and Systems Engineering. The products are mainly for research, study, and teaching. For those of you interested in engineering.


  • MLTECH provides solutions to digitize management systems for businesses, factories, buildings,
  • In 2019, MLTECH enterprise was established and widely deployed projects for businesses and digital transformation.
  • MLTECH is an incubator at the Business Incubator of the High-Tech Park of Ho Chi Minh City.


Company image of MLTECH - DCSELab participating in digital transformation festival 2021

Currently, MLTECH has 3 main facilities:

  • Facility 1. Facility at Research and Development Lab at No. 36 Nguyen Cao Luyen, Phuoc Long Ward, Nha Trang City
  • Campus 2. At Building C6, HCM University of Science and Technology, 142A To Hien, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Facility 3. At No. 1 D6 Street, Hung Phu Apartment Building, District 9, Thu Duc City


  • Import electronic items including modules and components from various sources such as Digikey, Mouser, Tmail, or directly from manufacturers
  • Receive and order processing circuits for electronic circuits, design electrical circuits, run SMT
  • Design products that apply technology in the fields of electricity, electronics, and automation
  • Get design mobile software, web, applications. Trading in industrial, electronic and civil application products
  • Provide building management solutions, smart home systems.
  • Organize training courses for pupils, students, enthusiasts in the field of electricity, electronics and embedded programming.


  • MLTECH gathers a lot of talents from universities, excellent students, enthusiasts and enthusiastic people in the field of technology. Likes to explore, go through challenges. Human resources are mainly from leading technical universities in the country such as Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Military Technical Academy, University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology and Education, Naval Academy, Nha Trang University,... And above all, always welcome those who are passionate about joining our community.
  • The high-quality human resources are trained after graduate from Polytechnic University, Universities from Russia, Norway, Korea, ..
    Cooperating with leading scientists and researchers in the country in many fields such as Automation, Electrical-Electronics, Electricity, Computer Science.
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